Thursday, March 04, 2010

Linked List

Linked list is a fundamental data structure, which uses reference stored in each node to iterate through subsequent nodes. A linked list has many types like singly linked list, doubly linked list and circular linked list. Following is a simple bare bone implementation of singly linked list:

The base interface:

public interface LinkedList {
public boolean add(T t);
public boolean remove(T t);
public void removeAll();
public int size();
public boolean isEmpty();

Class representing each node:

public class LinkNode {
private LinkNode nextNode = null;
private T node = null;

public LinkNode() {


public LinkNode(T node) {
this.node = node;

public T getNode() {
return node;

public void setNode(T node) {
this.node = node;

public LinkNode getNextNode() {
return nextNode;

public void setNextNode(LinkNode nextNode) {
this.nextNode = nextNode;

public String toString() {
return node.toString();

public int hashCode() {
return node.hashCode();

public boolean equals(LinkNode t) {
return node.equals(t.getNode());

Implementation for a singly linked list:

public class SingleLinkedList implements LinkedList {
LinkNode header = null;
LinkNode lastNode = null;

public SingleLinkedList() {


public boolean add(T t) {
LinkNode newNode = new LinkNode(t);
if(header == null) {
header = newNode;
else {
lastNode = newNode;
return true;

public boolean remove(T t) {
LinkNode tmp = header;
LinkNode prev = null;

while(tmp != null) {
if(tmp.getNode().equals(t)) {
if(prev == null) header = null;
else if(tmp.getNextNode() != null) prev.setNextNode(tmp.getNextNode());
return true;
prev = tmp;
tmp = tmp.getNextNode();
return false;

public void removeAll() {
header = null;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return header == null;

public int size() {
LinkNode tmp = header;
int size = 0;
while(tmp != null) {
tmp = tmp.getNextNode();

return size;

public String toString() {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer("[");
LinkNode tmp = header;
while(tmp != null) {
tmp = tmp.getNextNode();
if(tmp != null) str.append(", ");
return str.toString();

Test class which uses the singly linked list implementation:

public class LinkedListTest {

* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
LinkedList list = new SingleLinkedList();
System.out.println("Is list empty? " + list.isEmpty());

System.out.println("Is list empty? " + list.isEmpty());

System.out.println("Is list empty? " + list.isEmpty());

System.out.println("Is list empty? " + list.isEmpty());


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Adapter Pattern

-  The adapter acts as the middleman by receiving requests from the client and converting them into requests that make sense on the vendor classes

­-  The adapter implements the target interface and holds an instance of the adaptee

-  The actual interface that the client needs is the target interface

-  We wrap the target interface with an adaptee interface, which does the work of the target interface

-  The client makes the request on the adapter, and the adapter delegates it to the adaptee interface

-  The client doesn't know that the actual work was done by the adaptee

-  Client and the adaptee are decoupled – neither knows about the other

-  Here's how the client uses the adapter

o        The client makes a request to the adapter by calling a method on it using the target interface

o        The adapter translates that request into one or more calls on the adaptee using the adaptee interface

o        The client receives the results of the call and never knows there is an adapter doing the translation


­-  The Adapter Pattern converts the interface of a class into another interface the clients expect

­-  Adapter lets classes work together that couldn't otherwise because of incompatible interfaces

­-  This decouples the client from the implemented interface,

­-  If the interface changes over time, the adapter encapsulates the change so that the client doesn't have to be modified each time it needs to operate against a different interface

­-  It is not necessary that the adapter should wrap only one adaptee – it can hold two or more adaptees that are need to implement the target interface


­- There are two types of adapters

o        object adapters – uses composition - the adapter is composed of adaptee

§         it can not only adapt an adaptee class, but any of its subclasses

o        class adapters – uses multiple inheritance - the adapter subclasses both the target and the adaptee

§         it is committed to one specific adaptee class, but it doesn't have to reimplement the entire adaptee

§         it can also override the behavior of the adaptee, since its just subclassing

§         this cannot be used in Java since it involves multiple inheritance


­- Although Decorator and Adapter patterns looks similar, they are totally different in intent

o        Decorator wraps an object and adds new behavior

o        Adapter wraps an object and converts it into an interface the client expects


­- Following is an example of Adapter pattern. This example adapts an Enumerator to act as an Iterator

	public class EnumerationAdapter implements Iterator {

Enumeration enumeration;
public EnumerationAdapter(Enumeration enumeration) {
this.enumeration = enumeration;
public boolean hasNext() {
public Object next() {
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();