Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Manual conversion between primitive types (such as an int) and wrapper classes (such as Integer) is necessary when adding a primitive data type to a collection. As an example, consider an int being stored and then retrieved from an ArrayList:

list.add(0, new Integer(59));
int n = ((Integer)(list.get(0))).intValue();

The new autoboxing/unboxing feature eliminates this manual conversion. The above segment of code can be written as:

list.add(0, 59);
int total = list.get(0);

However, note that the wrapper class, Integer for example, must be used as a generic type:

List list = new ArrayList();

Programming language critics may have a lot to say about the autoboxing/unboxing feature. On one hand, Java developers agree that the distinction between primitive data types and references can be burdensome. In a pure object-oriented language there should be no difference between a primitive data type and a reference, as everything is an object. The other issue is that of identity: many think of primitive data types as entities that represent mathematical values, which are different from references.

The purpose of the autoboxing/unboxing feature, however, is simply to ease the interoperability between primitive types and references without any radical changes.


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