Monday, December 22, 2008

How to create a executable Jar

Some Java applications are distributed as Jar files, where the user can just double-click the file and 'Bang!' the application opens up. When you double click on a normal Jar file we just get a error message saying "Failed to load Main-Class...".
Follow the following steps to create an executable Jar:
- Create a simple Swing program which displays a label
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

public class HelloWorldSwing {
* Create the GUI and show it. For thread safety,
* this method should be invoked from the
* event-dispatching thread.
private static void createAndShowGUI() {
//Make sure we have nice window decorations.

//Create and set up the window.
JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorldSwing");
//Add the ubiquitous "Hello World" label.
JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World");

//Display the window.

public static void main(String[] args) {
//Schedule a job for the event-dispatching thread:
//creating and showing this application's GUI.
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
- Compile and run it and ensure that it works properly
- Create a file called "mainClass" with the following content in the same directory where you have the class file - if you have put the class inside a package create the file at the root of the package
    Main-Class: HelloWorldSwing
    Note the empty new line after the class name.
- From the directory run the following command from the command prompt to create a Jar file - "jar cmf mainClass HelloWorldSwing.jar *.class". This creates the executable Jar file. Here "m" refers to the manifest file - "mainClass"
- Now double click on the Jar file and see your swing application come to life!!

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