The easiest way to check for an annotation is by using the isAnnotationPresent() method
This lets us specify the annotation to check for, and get a true/false result
public void testAnnotnPresent(PrintStream out) throws Exception {
Class c = Super.class;
boolean inProgr = c.isAnnotationPresent(InProgress.class);
if(inProgr) out.println(“Super is in progress”);
else out.println(“Super is not in progress”);
This also lets us take advantage of the Inherited annotation
Although the Sub is not marked as in progress, it inherits from Super, which is in progress
Once the method in question is located, that method can be queried for a specific annotation using getAnnotation()
Class c = AnnotationTester.class;
MethodElement element = c.getMethod(“calculateInterest”,
float.class, float.class);
GroupTODO groupTodo = element.getAnnotation(GroutpTODO.class);
String assignedTo = groupTodo.assignedTo();
out.println(“TODO Item on Annotation Tester is assigned to: ” +
We must have to know exactly what we’re looking for – this is one of the few drawbacks of getAnnotation()
We can use getAnnotations(), if we’re trying to locate all annotations for a program element, or if we need to iterate through all annotations looking for a specific one
Following is a simple utility method that prints out all annotations for a supplied element
public void printAnnotations(AnnotatedElement e) {
System.out.println(“Annotations for “ + e.toString());
Annotation[] annotations = e.getAnnotations();
for(Annotation a : annotations) {
The getAnnotations() method prints both declared as well as inherited annotations
To get declared annotations alone, we need to use getDeclaredAnnotations() method
java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement is an interface that the reflection constructs like Method, Class etc. implement
It allows access to the annotation methods
The core reflection constructs all implement this interface –
o Class
o Constructor
o Field
o Method
o Package
o AccessibleObject
This allows all the above elements to be introspected for annotations
All these element types provide the following methods as a result of implementing AnnotatedType
o public Annotation getAnnotation(Class annotationType)
o public Annotation[] getAnnotations()
o public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations()
o public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class annotationType)
Since any Java program element can be treated as an AnnotatedType, we can always get at an element’s annotations using these methods
Reflection on annotations only works for annotation types that have Runtime retention
Even if the annotation is retained at compilation, if the VM doesn’t load this retention at class-load time, then reflection can’t pick up the annotation
Deprecation does not have runtime retention – it has source retention
So it is undetectable through Java reflection
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